developing fashion capsules no.1
your signature style
Most chefs will have a signature dish, something that they cook well and that they are recognised by. Bars can have an eponymous cocktail that sets them apart from other establishments. Designers in all disciplines can have a creative look that is instantly recognisable, whether they are architects, car designers or in the fashion world. I’m sure you also know people who you can describe by their personal style of clothing, their signature style. This concept is often extended to people and how they dress. Think about pop groups and their carefully crafted images. Silicon Valley types who only wear black, politicians with messy hair, royalty with hats and handbags. The chosen styling becomes synonymous with the person, their characteristics, and often what they stand for.
So how would you describe your look? Is your image consistent or are you eclectic? Do you favour the same silhouette or are you happy in fitted one day and oversized the next? Are your clothes in a blended colour palette, or is your wardrobe a riot of colour? Your style can encompass many trends ,but it will still tell the world something about you as an individual. Are you known for your quirky shoes, or the way you tie your hair in elaborate scarves? I have a friend who consistently has pink hair, and I know a couple who have surrounded themselves with purple. Both these examples have been conscious decisions that have resulted in what would be described as their signature styling.
If you can identify a styling that works well and that suits you, then you can build your wardrobe around that idea. You can create a number of capsules around a colour, or a design, or a function. Finding a system that works for you is important, irrespective of what other people do. Do you want to create capsules with everything blue together, then pink etc? Or perhaps you want to group all your trousers together, then your skirts, jumpers, shirts? For example, grouping the clothes together that you wear for work means that you know where they are, and you can see what extended outfits you can create from the items in front of you. Can you take some time to have a declutter, where you recycle or sell items that you no longer wear for whatever reason?
Only having things that you wear saves time, space, and ultimately money. When you know what you have, you can wear more of the things more of the time. There are no treasures lurking at the back of your cupboards or drawers. Finding your clothes easily will mean that you can develop your style from within your collection, rather than feeling the need to shop unnecessarily. With time and space, creativity can flourish. Experiment with new ways of putting things together. Split outfits and wear a jacket with chinos rather than it’s matching skirt. Can you introduce some High/Low dressing, where you perhaps wear a silk blouse with jeans, or a T-shirt with a satin skirt?
You are not looking to emulate anyone else, your aim is to feel your best as often as you can. Your signature style is your opportunity to express yourself through your image. Whether that creativity is shown through long blonde hair, skyscraper heels is unique to how you see yourself. If you get dressed every morning then you probably get the choice about what to wear. I’m obviously aware that some people will wear a uniform for work, but you can still be creative in your spare time. So when you get dressed, why not chose items that make you feel good, rather than just putting on the first thing you find. Dressing in your favourite jeans and jumper takes no longer than putting something on that is uncomfortable and unflattering. Think about your signature look, and embrace it.
Continued in No.2…
All rights reserved. Milly Churchill asserts the right to be identified as the author of this work.