developing fashion capsules no.3

discovering your creativity


Photo credit: Cleo Vermij Unsplash


How often do you consider yourself creative? What does creativity actually mean to you? Perhaps you think it is the preserve of arty types, or a fundamental shift of mindset? However, I would contest these assumptions, you personally are creative every day. The way you live, the decisions you made when you got dressed this morning, the flowers in your garden, the way you style your hair, how you put the food on your plate are all a visible show of your personal creativity.


As a designer of women’s fashion, my creativity doesn’t end with fabric, clothes, and image. The ornaments on the mantlepiece, the books on the shelf, the arrangement of plants in the garden and the collection of cushions on the sofa are all things that I have ‘designed’ so that they please the vision I have of my surroundings. You will have your own variations of this, but you have also designed the result. Once you come to accept that you are naturally creative then you can start to take ownership of this exciting and interesting facet of all our lives. Putting things together in a way that you find pleasing to your eye, or even creating a playlist that you enjoy listening to, is your creativity in action.

You will do this without thinking in many areas of your life, but many people don’t consider that they are, or can be, creative with their choice of clothes. Creativity as a term related to your wardrobe tends to be directed at people who wear outlandish clothes, or mix colours, patterns, and styles to make a bold statement. If this seems like a step to far, the way you put your clothes together is always creative. Simply making a choice between your jumpers, shoes and trousers is a creative process. How, or if, you applied make-up this morning is a creative expression of who you are and how you feel. However, is there a way that you could use this creativity to explore your personality in a more experimental and interesting way sometimes?


No one has a better idea of how you want to appear, to yourself and others, or what you like to wear, so you are in the unique position to create your ideal wardrobe. If taking on the task of creating a new vision seems too much, then why not chunk it down. Capsule collections might seem like a snazzy bit of fashion journalism, but they are just groupings of clothes, with or without accessories, that can be kept together and that work well together. This capsule can then be the base for others or can be added to whenever you find a treasure. Once you have found something that really works, make a note. Can you repeat they overall look with some of your other clothes so you slowly extend your choices? Discovering the innate creativity you already have is fun, so enjoy it.

Continues in No.4…

All rights reserved. Milly Churchill asserts the right to be identified as the author of this work.


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