how to look like you’ve bothered no.3

the how to guides

Photo credit. Filipp Romanovski Unsplash

good grooming is key


If you want to look like you have bothered, and are wearing clothes that wouldn’t be considered formal, an easy thing to do is to get your grooming to work for you. This doesn’t mean hours spent in front of the mirror or having the latest hairstyle or lipstick. Can you spend a small amount of time every day keeping up a regime that gives you healthy-looking skin and hair? A regular regime means that you can create a great blank canvas. When you go out, a quick change your hairstyle or adding some makeup if you have time, will instantly make a difference to your image.


If you are wearing jeans and a shirt with unkempt hair and are makeup free, you might feel great, but you will look very casual. Same jeans, same shirt but with nicely styled hair and some make-up, and perhaps the addition of a scarf or some jewellery, and you instantly look like you have bothered. Just as we go the extra mile when we ‘dress up’, developing a simple and easy-to-manage groomed look can lift your casual clothes to that ‘I’ve bothered’ level.


When it comes to applying make-up, very often we are unsure what looks good, so why don’t you experiment with new colours and techniques? Ask a make-up savvy friend to show you some new products and ideas, look at some of the thousands of tutorials on the internet, or just have a go with some of the things you already have but don’t use. All you need is a bit of creativity, and some good cleanser to keep creating a blank canvas, and the world is your oyster.

a note of caution

We all have them tucked away, but do check if your makeup and skincare items are still in date. There will be information about lifetimes of various products online if you aren’t sure. Take a minute to go through things because there is a real danger if you use items that may have become contaminated, especially around your eyes. I have a short guide in the Inspiration Portfolio section of my website so you can see how long you should be keeping things.

Even if they are within their best by date, many things get relegated to the back of the drawer because you haven’t had the time, or inclination, to use them, or simply don’t know how to achieve the effects you want.

Having a periodic sort out will remind you of what you have, and what you might need, and can potentially avoid unwanted skin reactions.

Continues in No.4…

All rights reserved. Milly Churchill asserts the right to be identified as the author of this work.


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